- 学英语,大家知道哪儿好?谢谢! (18篇回复)
- 1912清末民初的北京暴乱公使馆是如何应付的? (4篇回复)
- [推荐]The Death of an Emperor, from "Chinese Sketches" (3篇回复)
- PLA's MUST in the PCR 那个年代解放军必背下来的“外语”。。 (2篇回复)
- Old Beijing: Imperial Impression 老北京的皇城印象 (0篇回复)
- Who recognizes the exact place of the picture 谁能确认一下这幅照片的具体位置? (6篇回复)
- I had the luck to see this today 今儿有幸看到这物件儿,大伙给断断。。。 (5篇回复)
- 这几句英文的明显区别在哪里? (18篇回复)
- 英文春联 (6篇回复)
- Devoted guardian of history (2篇回复)
- 关于地坛的译文 (5篇回复)
- 发点不太好理解的英语单词(六级词汇) (41篇回复)
- Is this one of the "Cultural Shocks"这算是一种“文化冲击”吗? (2篇回复)
- NBA Allstars, my best 全明星我的最爱 (3篇回复)
- Who is able to tell names and stories of these guys 谁能说说他们的名字和故事 (0篇回复)
- Why and when did the weird French vehecle here in Beijing 这些怪哉的法国车何时 (0篇回复)
- Can't believe my eyes 看到的是真的。。。。 (7篇回复)
- 圣诞老人就在你的身边 (15篇回复)
- 从中国新年所能想到的。。。。 (5篇回复)
- 老北京与新一代 (8篇回复)
- 新年的礼物与家人 (0篇回复)
- 拱手贺兔年! (1篇回复)
- “故宫”二字究竟该如何翻译成英文 (16篇回复)
- 有喜欢《哈里波特》的吗? (11篇回复)
- English ABC (23篇回复)
- Seasons Greeting (3篇回复)
- The Summer Palace--100years ago & today颐和园百年大对比 (13篇回复)
- 1977年北京高考试卷(英语),最后一题太难了 !! (14篇回复)
- 胡同的英文说法 (31篇回复)
- 哪儿还能吃到正宗北京的小吃啊?? (9篇回复)
- 北京除了这些景点,还能带老外到哪儿玩? (3篇回复)
- 地铁五号线车厢连接处的英文单词是否有误? (19篇回复)
- 北大校园贺中秋 (11篇回复)
- 节日的祝福 (11篇回复)
- Where did you go for the Holiday? (5篇回复)
- [求助]哪儿口语培训比较好? (17篇回复)
- 谁去玩儿过密云的“圆塔”? (4篇回复)
- 朝阳高碑店古家具街中秋集市 (7篇回复)
- 2010年9月28日的中国日报有关华新民女士的内容 - Pat on the back (3篇回复)