北京文化人儿 发表于 2007-11-24 01:34:00


<p>最近复习六级单词呢。发现一个重要信息:六级词汇还真挺实用的!</p><p>其实几年前,一个朋友出国以前就告诉我了,学好6级词汇,基本上就够用了。可我一直没当回事,这几天一边复习一边和外国朋友探讨,发现六级词汇实用!但是,词典和简单的解释都不够准确!下面,就把我这几天的小小发现晒一下,大家一起讨论!</p><p>adjacent&nbsp; adj.邻近的,比邻的。</p><p>这个词比较奇怪,我们一般说near就差不多了,可又冒出个这个。不过用起来也简单,A adjacent to B 就行了。但是,人和人之间,只能用beside.</p><p>adolesent 青少年,青少年的 基本上和teenager差不多!但似乎在正式场合下用得比较多</p><p>adore&nbsp;&nbsp; v. 爱慕</p><p>affection n.喜爱、感情、爱慕之情 这两个比较迷惑。。。但有了一个例句:A have affection for B/ A have affection toward B&nbsp;</p><p>agreeable adj.令人愉快的。这个解释似乎有误。更好的解释应该是容易相处的。like easy going 。 you re a very agreeable person.</p>

北京文化人儿 发表于 2007-11-24 01:47:00

<p>alien 外国的,外星的&nbsp; 刚才一个澳大利亚的朋友告诉我,它也指在外企工作的人。不知道在中国是否通用?? 反正她说她第一次听说的时候差点笑破了肚皮,差点在那位在外企的朋友面前露怯~</p><p>appendix n.阑尾、附录。附录这个意思用得多一点。但电子邮件不用这个,一般文件或者书后面用。</p><p>今天先总结到这里~ 明天继续~</p>

康德拉太子 发表于 2007-11-24 09:23:00

羊油麻豆腐 发表于 2007-11-24 09:59:00


莹火 发表于 2007-11-24 10:00:00


北京文化人儿 发表于 2007-11-27 00:16:00

<p>ashore ad.上岸,在岸上。很奇怪的一个词。差不多就是to shore。如果你不考gre、不是渔民或者经常接触水的人,建议忽略这个词。</p><p>atomic 原子能的,原子的,原子武器的</p><p>实际上atom是分子,不是原子。原子是分子中间那个核,差远了。这翻译真是害人啊~</p><p>但是口语中说原子的,nuclear 和 atomic 一样的。</p><p>altitude 高度、海拔。</p><p>attitude 态度、看法。 喜欢户外运动的朋友要注意了!</p><p>attorney 律师。和lawyer一样。不过更尊敬一些。如果你在介绍一位律师给你的朋友,记住,说this is attorney ***.不是lawyer***。</p>

北京文化人儿 发表于 2007-11-27 00:05:00

<p>不喜欢归不喜欢,该进行的,还得继续。</p><p>话说上回书说到a,今天还继续说。</p><p>apparatus n.仪器,设备。一般是小的科学仪器,也包括化学上的试管烧杯之类的小设备。</p><p>appliance n.装置。设备。很多字典上把他们俩和equipment解释的差不多,但实际上还是有很大区别的。这个多指家用装置,放在那里不动的。比如空调冰箱。而equipment意义广泛,说什么“装备、设备“都可以。基本能用手拿的都算。</p><p>appoint vt.多说任命,指派一个人,时间地点用得比较少。</p><p>appreciate vt.感激。这个词很常用是吧?不过也有一个容易忽视的意思。如果有谁对你做的什么事让你很开心很满足,也可以说appreciate.</p><p>approve vt.赞成、同意 批准、核准。</p><p>一般是上对下的。其他用agree没问题。</p><p>approximately a.大概大约;接近近似。没用的废物词。意思、用法和about完全一样。也许这样能显得正式点。</p><p>artery 动脉。 引申:vein 静脉。同音词:vain 没用的,徒有其表的。通俗解释就是绣花枕头。比如一些人没别的本事,只重视外表。</p><p></p>

莹火 发表于 2007-11-25 22:10:00


北京文化人儿 发表于 2007-11-25 20:43:00


莹火 发表于 2007-11-27 19:52:00

<p>俺。。。就是。。。背不下来!窍门就是,用两次就会了,哈哈</p><p>我们这样回复你的帖子就都打乱了啊,如果有办法既能回复又能保持你发帖的连贯性就好了. </p>

北京文化人儿 发表于 2007-11-28 12:00:00

<p>accumulate v.积累、积聚 这个词是很容易很常用的。但是本人经常想不起来,造个句子吧。he somehow accumulates so many cions in his pokect. 不知道对不对啊, 请各位更正!!</p><p></p><p></p>

北京文化人儿 发表于 2007-11-28 11:16:00

<p>对! 说到点子上了! 语言没别的办法,就是说,就是练!如果没有语伴(一定要是英语非常非常好,有国外生活经历的人)那就只有靠回帖当练习啦! 哈哈&nbsp; 这些词我都至少用过两次了,差不多记住了。朋友们看着一定挺枯燥的,但是只要参与讨论,就觉得有意思多了。我的方法就是造句,造俩句子,就差不多了。</p><p>造个句子,回贴两遍,讨论两句,保证能记住~!</p><p>顺序嘛,乱点挺好,要不看着都烦了~</p>

柳暗花绵 发表于 2008-2-21 14:31:00


华丽木偶 发表于 2008-2-21 16:07:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-21 16:09:16编辑过]

华丽木偶 发表于 2008-2-21 16:11:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>羊油麻豆腐</i>在2007-11-24 9:59:37的发言:</b><br/>本人多年口译,发现很多词汇虽然意思相同,但使用场合不同,有的是口语、有的是书面语,上台发言又是另一码事,所以,我现在依然很初级。</div><p>您多年口译~~~</p><p>我很想向您取取经,希望您能教给我一些翻译的知识和经验。</p><p></p>

北京文化人儿 发表于 2008-2-21 17:11:00

<p>唉 本人说来惭愧,最近没怎么好好学习英语。。。今天找出当年考bec时留下的商务英语词汇,一看发现很多商务词汇也还给老师了。。这可咋办呢。。天。</p><p></p><p>看来首先我得把6级升词表的考证工作继续下去!</p>

华丽木偶 发表于 2008-2-22 10:57:00


北京文化人儿 发表于 2008-2-29 14:58:00

中学生的幻想 哈哈

沈处长 发表于 2008-3-4 12:38:00

<p><font color="#ff0000" size="7">蒿!</font></p>

靳京 发表于 2010-9-3 18:59:00

I am much flattered.

弘德皇帝 发表于 2010-8-31 21:18:00


靳京 发表于 2010-8-30 13:19:00

<p>我的朋友中,有一两个书架的各类英语书的不在少数,真正老老实实读完一本(套)的寥寥无几,还在整天看着别人在看什么新书,侧面了解别人比自己的英语强多少,还有什么“更”好的英语班。。。十年就这么过去了。。。我一直在琢磨,难道“<strong>老北京英语论坛</strong>”不是一个最好的免费课堂吗?大家各抒己见,各显神通,对了错了,谁也见不着谁,无所谓丢不丢面子,不正是个最好的交流平台吗?下了班,吃了饭,打麻将也是打,来“老北京英语论坛”同样也是打发时间,可是哪个更有意义呢?这不正是各位斑竹们值班的目的所在吗?管它什么4级,6级的,了解和参与这个平台就是10级。。。。。何况我们有很多问题都不是大学教授所能解决得了的,不是吗(他们会关心你在哪儿能喝上豆汁儿吗)? 当然,我这里所指只限语言学习的一面,一个真正为大众百姓学习的论坛和平台,不需要大学的“高深”门槛,贵在参与啊。。。。。</p>

弘德皇帝 发表于 2010-8-29 15:57:00

That's right, the so-called CET-4 or 6 is only for your diploma but not your ability.

弘德皇帝 发表于 2010-8-29 15:58:00


靳京 发表于 2010-8-28 11:39:00

<p>English study should be more fun than suffering. If&nbsp;I have more wrinkles on my&nbsp;forehead with an English book in my hand, I'd rather go out jogging and have some fun. The different levels of English here (英语几级)do not mean at all a standard way of judging how good one's English is. It's even bad for people who get accustomed to this standard to&nbsp;show others what it is. That way s/he will never&nbsp;proceed&nbsp;from there and enjoy the language improvement.&nbsp;I&nbsp;&nbsp; do not know what other experts think about those tests. Are they actually showing the real English level at all?</p>
<p>Other comments?</p>

靳京 发表于 2010-8-19 11:11:00

<p>If we'd like to remember the vocabulary of different kinds,&nbsp;we have to go through&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; some serious practice in stead of complaining year by year:</p>
<p>1. American English is very simillar and different from the 2 countries <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">adjacent to</font>&nbsp;the United States. Canada shares almost the same language except the difference in&nbsp;&nbsp; slangy expressions, while people in Mexico speak a totally different language as compared with both US and Canada. Spanish is widely used as a national language in this country.</p>
<p>2. When people on the Earth start thinking about those <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">aliens</font> coming from outer space, those creatures are usually considered 1st much less <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">agreeable</font> than anything we&nbsp;can immagine on the Earth, even small animals. However, from technological point of&nbsp;&nbsp; view, we might think they are more advanced than human on the Earth. The things we&nbsp;can think about would be the&nbsp;<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">appliance</font>&nbsp;on their spaceships which might be able to find out more about us than themselves. However, our humans would think if we could deal with each other <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">agreeably</font>, there should be more to come for both sides to figure out&nbsp;each other. At least we <em>have</em> to acknowledge the <em>advantages</em> the aliens have <em>over</em> us&nbsp;&nbsp; through their <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">apparatus</font> carried on their spaceships. We might have to <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">appreciate</font> their assistance to advance our technology much faster than ever. The problem is how we&nbsp;can <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">approve</font> of their technology with our limited scientific <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">equipment</font>. Aliens have to be <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">appointed</font> the position to show us through their ways of communication.</p>
<p>New games and machines could be created by <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">teenagers</font>&nbsp;on both sides.&nbsp;This <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">affection</font> for the new age&nbsp;could be a fantastic and supper story for the new <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">adolacent</font>&nbsp;history&nbsp;in the next 100 years to come.</p>

靳京 发表于 2010-8-19 00:06:00

<p>For those who are interested in authentic American conversation, I strongly recommand a class in Beijing. This&nbsp;&nbsp; class is affiliated to China Friendship Association to the Foreign Countries. It is called "American College Prep. Program" to prepare Chinese senior high graduates to go study in American college. I think their next session will be&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the end of September.</p>

靳京 发表于 2010-8-14 17:31:00

<p>I absolutely agree with 11th floor that everyone needs nothing but practice. <strong>Practice makes perfect</strong>, intead of talking about the PROBLEM for years.&nbsp;and it's still problomatic today anyway, isn't it? Vocabulary&nbsp;forms up language statement which means something that delivers your meaning/ideas,&nbsp;meanwhile, to accumulate your vocabulary and experience as well. The levels of vocabulary here in China are more&nbsp;written(formal) than oral(casual) because of the test of different level&nbsp;itself. It's hard to be conversational. Moreover, conversation&nbsp;requires environment where people meet and share ideas, the problem comes in a non-native English speaking country like China.</p>
<p><strong>Alien</strong>.... to most Americans, it talks about <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc00">something strange</font>, <font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff00ff">far away from human being</font>.</p>
<p><strong>Accumulate v</strong>...... become more or bigger</p>
<p><strong>It snowed&nbsp; last night but there&nbsp;was no accumulation</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Lawyer</strong>..... a very general term but <strong>attorney</strong> is someone you need help for a court case, very important and serious person. It really does not matter much if you call someone a lawyer or an attorney in the US. Americans are mostly very casual and direct.</p>
<p><strong>adore</strong> ...... as a verb used mostly in written language, however, <strong>adorable</strong> is very flexible in both, like the word&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "<strong>cute</strong>".</p>
<p><strong>appreciate.........<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #00ff00">1)</font>be grateful, thankful to</strong></p>
<p>I appreciate your <u>supportive effort</u> in this morning's lecture.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #00ff00">2) </font><strong>realize, get to know </strong></p>
<p>I truly appreciate your <u>poor working condition</u> but I can't do anything right now.</p>
<p>........ to name only a few.</p>
<p>Anyway, why don't we talk in English by using those words more often in some statements so that we get more&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; comfortable with them at all?</p>
<p>Only a suggustion. I once opened up so many topics with some questions to begin with....... Can somwone do&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the same to anyone here, in English?? Then we will learn from each other.</p>

弘德皇帝 发表于 2010-8-11 20:46:00


靳京 发表于 2010-12-5 12:07:00

There is NO way for Americans to even judge Chinese standard of LEVELs. Everything is pure Chinese.
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