靳京 发表于 2011-2-21 23:57:00

Is this one of the "Cultural Shocks"这算是一种“文化冲击”吗?

<p>Okay. Now I've heard from many foreign visitors from beijing, some of whom have only been here in Beijing for about a month , and they are surely going through a stage of confusion and disgust that all <em><strong>laowai</strong></em> must endure if they are to stay in China... but they have to ask... why do Chinese men insist on hawking and spitting as loudly as they can in front of people?<br/>They think it's gross.&nbsp;one heard a man down the hall&nbsp;close&nbsp;to&nbsp;him hawking so loudly it sounded like he had the dry heaves!<br/>Is it the dust? The pollution? However, Chinese women don't do it, so it must be socially unacceptable for them. So by what logic do the men think that it's acceptable for them?&nbsp; </p>
<p>Has this ever bothered anyone else, or are the&nbsp;<strong><em>LAOWAIs</em> </strong>completely deranged?</p>
<p>Your comments 您的高见,说来听听。</p>

弘德皇帝 发表于 2011-2-22 19:28:00


靳京 发表于 2011-2-24 00:05:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>弘德皇帝</i>在2011-2-22 19:28:00的发言:</b><br/>
<p>So, there is NO simple answer to this question at all. "Speaking or shouting loudly" seems to be a totally different thing, doesn't it? Anyway, my message has been delivered already. It all depends accordingly.</p>
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