I had the luck to see this today 今儿有幸看到这物件儿,大伙给断断。。。
<p>Well,I was lucky to see this object called"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Cattle. It's said from the Chinese Palace. I'd like your comments on that. 今天有幸见到这么个物件,叫做“卧虎藏龙壶”,据说出自“宫里”。谁能给断断。。。?</p><p> </p><br/><br/> <p>Where did you see it?</p> <p>From one of my friends, however, some people at the forum insist it was fake. I was only curious about it and have no idea what <em>HE</em> will deal with it. </p>
<p>是从我一个朋友那儿见到的,坛子里的几位坚持说是个“赝品”。我无所谓,至于朋友怎么对待它与我无关。</p> 恩,当个乐趣,挺好 <p>I do believe so,too. Many people are trying to show off what they say and stuff they have as if they were highly above others. For me,it is nothing but fun to me, anyway.</p>
<p>我也是这么想的。很多人都是大忽悠或是有什么物件儿以示他们比别人能耐,对我来说只不过是一种乐趣而已。</p> haha,maybe it is really a fake.