The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
2. With the Chien Men Tower and the' l2 G# u3 w/ }* U* O# C3 p" J
Tartar Wall dominating the background, a- Y" R* Y: Y U
Marine company drills on the American Glacis (parade ground) c.1907-10.
3 b: }5 e- _% Z2 l4 l: v
: Y8 [( z9 U7 ~; P& |从照片上看,美国操场离前门城楼如此之近。
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
3. Marines of the 39th# N- v' _0 }/ |: n s1 L
Company pose with a 3" Naval Landing Gun on the Tartar Wall, c.3 U4 C& I1 Z; d( \5 L
8 w b, {* x' w) S5 c& h2 r
4 z9 `' A0 u, j3 Q& C
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
4.Marines on Hatem Street, Peking c. 1925.jpg
Hatem Street-哈德门街?
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
5.The Marine Guard Detachment
* ] \9 o# b, B+ O9 G! \at the unveiling of the Peking Memorial Tablets, 13 February 1908. Three tablets were placed at Guard Post #2, in honor of the American Forces who served in China during the
6 K! D$ m* Q' D4 s, z3 Z. IBoxer Rebellion.
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
6. Securing a fallen
) p& l: E! w5 P, ]' l l: s6 bMarine until the next stateside boat arrives
( V2 ^* C. H$ ^: F3 A7 I
- C* H8 J' [7 J: s
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
7. A Japanese tank, C4 |6 \. s3 z1 n5 ]
rolls through Peiping, summer 1937
" c+ Y6 y. U. V% E1 h8 r5 D
7 r, x4 t; { v7 P8 i/ ^
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
* u6 P1 }6 G3 B+ M$ i: rthe west gates to the Legation Quarter, late( |' S. e; i& S& @
summer 1937
7 l r" ?1 Z; O" m: T; y
2 P0 T7 }9 k4 Y1 T$ u1 t* a7 ?" h6 bnone;text-autospace:none">日本军队在1937年7月占领北平后,美国海军陆战队行动受到限制。/ C' ?2 m, n: G, k$ Zcolor:#2E3D47;mso-font-kerning:0pt">
& y% f4 c' `, I! U& O' I7 \/ J. W( Unone;text-autospace:none">
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
9.) z( m2 D' x5 B
0pt">Col$ Q' Y) X1 i0 ^4 }) B( }color:#2E3D47;mso-font-kerning:0pt"> Ashurst arriving surrendering the North China Marine forces (Photo courtesy of Mike Hester)
1 g& {5 X1 A* j! j# v+ d
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
10.The* ]+ Y% s9 j+ a" B2 h
Marines return to Peiping October 1945
7 d5 O4 b. z' k+ b9 d
3 a4 q3 I/ x. N2 |/ k 1945年10月7日陆战队返回北平,任务是协助解除日本军队武装,协助维持社会秩序及协助国民党政府重新控制政权。
0 D0 G$ F A4 n+ }' a' s( r# E4 Z9 X9 O- j3 g
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
老车站的照片见过很多,但; Q7 ^3 i. h" z! f' P# T
mso-bidi-font-family:Arial;background:white;mso-font-kerning:1.0pt;mso-ansi-language:! O4 ?/ R2 e1 Z. F, ~: x! U
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
The China Marines 中与北京有关的照片
8 }9 ]1 M8 a& t7 R: r( J
宋体;mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New="New" Roman";mso-bidi-font-family:宋体;mso-font-kerning:7 g' E# E9 y; q
* k0 {! b; C8 m9 R# P/ @mso-char-indent-count:2.0;mso-layout-grid-align:none;text-autospace:none">, d3 U1 p3 V' G: h8 U
宋体;mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New="New" Roman";mso-bidi-font-family:宋体;mso-font-kerning:+ t) E" V* [8 Z