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Pre-registration for Investigation of Gu Fan Hui in west suburb of Beijing

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发表于 2008-1-8 20:57:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Pre-registration for Investigation of Gu Fan Hui in west suburb of Beijing

Series Investigations on Intangible Cultural Heritage hold by Old Beijing.net


This announcement is for pre-registration for investigation of Gu Fan Hui in west suburb of Beijing to get approximate number of attendees, also this pre-registration will guarantee priority of the attendance since it is still not confirmed on how many visitors the village could afford. The final number will be published in the final announcement on BBS which the date will be Jan. 16th 2008.


This investigation will be cancelled if there is snow around Jan.13th since the road will be blocked then. Please pay attention to the announcement on the BBS.


Introduction of Gu Fan Hui

This is the traditional activity indicates the end of the Spring Festival in the West Area of Beijing, it is coming down 400 years with 17 generations, and has not changed much. It only happens in the 15th - 16th day of the first month of Chinese Lunar Year (正月十五到十六). For now the organizers of this activity are mostly in their 60s, although being assessed as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Beijing (北京非物质文化遗产), this tradition is slowly fading away. The Gu Fan Hui contains Parade with Fan (long flag hanging on a pole which hold by man) and music. The music from the band also has a history more than hundred years.



Mentougou District

Village Zhuanghu and Village Qianjuntai


This is the first time for village Zhuanghu having group visitors, and it has no facility for hosting tourists. We will stays at villagers' home where the living conditions are limited from all aspects (no bathroom, no shop, no central heating...).Temperature at that time will be 4-5 degrees lower than in the city. You will need to bring you own sanitary supplies and winter wear. Could be very cold in the nights and please bring enough battery and tapes for you camera.



The only way recommended is the bus which reaches Village Zhuanghu. It is too risky to drive by yourself on the mountain road.


Bus info:

1.      Get off at Subway station Pingguoyuan.

2.      Take bus 929, get off at Zhuanghu Cun (Village Zhuanghu)
Start out time: 10:35, 12:40 and 14:45
Ticket price: RMB 6.0 (RMB 4.8 if using the IC card)
Takes about 90 minutes for the ride.



Less than RMB 410 for the accommodation and meals (will be finalized in the final announcement), bus and incurrence cost are on your own.



Feb.20th – 22nd, three days with two nights.


Feb. 20th- N( K8 n6 W- r& X; [

12:00-16:00    Gather at Duibu of Village Zhuanghu, allocate accommodation in the village

18:00                Dinner

19:30                Gather at Sansheng (three saints) Temple at east of the Village Zhuanghu, investigation on God Pageant Ceremony and activities of the music band


Feb. 21st

700               Breakfast

900               Gather at Sansheng Temple at east of the Village Zhuanghu, investigation on hanging Fan (long narrow flag) and performance

1130             Lunch

1400             Gather at Duib, follow the whole process of Gu Fan Hui from Village Zhuanghu to Village Qianjuntai

1930             Dinner (at?)


Feb. 22nd

700               Breakfast  (at?)

900               Shooting on historical site of Village Zhuanghu  (at?)

1130             Lunch (at?)

1300             Gather at Village Qianjunta, follow the whole process of Gu Fan Hui from Village Qianjuntai to Village Zhuanghu

1600             Return to the city



发表于 2008-1-8 21:16:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-1-8 23:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
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