The Mandarin word"Hutong" was originated from Mongolian language beginning from Yuan Dynasty. Kublan Khan 1st built 29 alleys in Beijing named "Hutong" (which means"inhabited area" in Mongolian). The word has been re-confirmed by my visit of a Mongolian who speak both Mandarin and Mongolian. He told me Mongolians still call alley a Hutong by their native phonetics today even though he did not quite understand the Hutong history among the old Beijing natives. My understanding is that the Beijing natives (Han) were not able to name the alleys hutongs after they were built through a period of time. They must have had a name before building them. Many of us know today that most of hutongs were built much later in Ming and Qing Dynasties, however, the word Hutong by origin was from Kublan Khan's Mongolian. therefore, I wonder if the info from "Beijing Evening News" is based upon scientific clues? Please advise! 北京话里的"胡同"一词是来自蒙语,从元代开始的.忽必烈首先北京建了29条巷子称之为"胡同"(在蒙语里意思是"居民居住地").该词又通过最近访问一位讲蒙文和普通话的蒙族人得到证实.他告诉我蒙语的拼音在今天仍把有人居住的巷子称做胡同(我听了他的发音),尽管他并不了解老北京的胡同历史. 我的理解是:老北京人(汉人)是不可能在胡同建立起以后通过一段时间慢慢给它起个名字.胡同一定在建造之前就有名称.大多数人都知道城里大部分的胡同是到了明清两朝才扩建发展起来的,但原始的"胡同"一词确实是从忽必烈的蒙文开始的.为此,我不认为北京晚报上的消息是有科学为依据的(即"胡同"一词是从北京居民先叫起的,来自汉语). 请赐教! [em03][em03] |