作为全球最大的老北京传统文化公益网站的老北京网,为充分发扬老北京传统文化在全球范围内的影响力,充分发掘、继承、整理文化遗产,决定:于2007年春节后将采取新的运营模式运作,即在老北京网董事会领导下的执行人负责制,并在执行人下设各频道总编辑、编辑等职位,广泛吸纳一切爱好北京传统文化的各界朋友为传统文化宏扬做出贡献! 本次志愿者招募为全球招募行为,应征志愿者将不分地域、国籍、种族、年龄、宗教信仰。 招募志愿者职位: 1. 执行人及人数: 1.1 老北京网(www.oldbeijing.net) 执行人,1-2人 1.2 记录网(photo.oldbeijing.net) 执行人,1人 1.3 北京记忆(www.obj.org.cn) 执行人,1人 1.4 文化学苑(vip.oldbeijing.net) 执行人,1人 1.5 英文频道(en.oldbeijing.net) 执行人,1人 1.6 曲艺圈(www.kkd.cn) 执行人,1人 1.7 论坛(bbs.oldbeijing.net) 执行人,1人 2. 频道总编辑 2.1 老北京网中文频道 总编辑,1人 2.2 老北京网图片频道 总编辑,1人 2.3 老北京网下载频道 总编辑,1人 2.4 英文频道 总编辑,1-2人 2.5 文化学苑 总编辑,1人 3. 频道编辑 3.1 老北京网各频道 编辑,20人 3.2 英文频道 编辑,40人 3.3 曲艺圈 编辑,5人 3.4 文化学苑 编辑,5人 4.以上招募职位要求: 4.1 全身心热爱北京传统文化; 4.2 无任何政党、政治倾向; 4.3 性别不限、学历不限、年龄不限; 4.4 有充足的上网时间及资料搜集整理时间; 4.5 能够定期参加网站会议及学术交流活动; 4.6 国籍不限(全球招募); 4.7 熟悉某一领域传统文化知识; 4.8 老北京网论坛注册时间1年以上网友将优先考虑; 4.9 有相关知识、工作背景人员优先考虑;
另:英文频道应征执行人及总编辑需持有英语6级(中国国籍人员)以上证明文件或海外经历证明文件. 本次招募行为为志愿行为,志愿者不享受任何物质补偿待遇,志愿人员经考核录用后在工作中将按照其职位配发相应的工作证明及以相应身份参加或出席各种会议。
本次招募日期从2007年2月27日-3月31日,老北京网将逐一通知应征者进行面试。 咨询电话:13522872255 13522460315 13911129300 报名格式(按照纯文本格式,以正文形式发送邮件至bj87buxie@yahoo.com.cn">obj87buxie@yahoo.com.cn,邮件标题为“应征志愿者”) 应征职位: 姓名: 性别: 出生日期: 学历: 英语水平: 国籍: 老北京网论坛网名: 工作单位: 户籍所在地: 通信地址: 邮政编码: 身份证号码: 联系方式: 手机: 固定电话: EMAIL: MSN(或)QQ: 教育经历: 工作经历: 自我评价: 爱好文化领域: 其他的自我说明: Recruit: Volunteers Wanted Worldwide As the largest non-profit website about the old Beijing culture, oldbeijing.net has made several decisions about its organization structure, for the better of protecting and developing the cultural heritage. After the lunar new year of 2007, oldbeijing.net will adopt the institution of directorate. Under the executive board, there will be chief editors, editors etc. Now we’re going to recruit volunteers from all the people who love this traditional culture and are willing to devote for it. This recruit is worldwide and not limited by nationality, area, race, age, gender and religion. Vacancies: 1. Chief executives: 1.1 OLDBEIJNJG.net: www.oldbeijing.net (1~2) 1.2 PHOTO: photo.oldbeijing.net (1) 1.3 Memory of Beijing: www.obj.org.cn (1) 1.4 Culture Scholars: vip.oldbeijing.net (1) 1.5 English Channel: en.oldbeijing.net (1) 1.6 Traditional Performance: www.kkd.cn (1) 1.7 The Forum: bbs.oldbeijing.net (1) 2. Chief Editors: 2.1 Oldbeijing.net Chinese (1) 2.2 Oldbeijing.net Photo (1) 2.3 Oldbeijing.net Download (1) 2.4 English Channel (1~2) 2.5 Culture Scholars (1) 3. Editors: 3.1 Oldbeijing.net (20) 3.2 English Channel (40) 3.3 Traditional Performance (5) 3.4 Culture Scholars (5) Requirements: 1. Passion for the old Beijing culture 2. No aggressive political perspective 3. No limitation of gender, age and education background 4. Enough time for the internet and collection of information 5. Available for meeting of the website and academic exchange 6. No restriction of nationality 7. Certain knowledge of one or more culture field 8. People who have been a member of our forum longer than 1 year have the priority of consideration. 9. People who have relevant working background or knowledge have the priority of consideration. (Additional: for the Chief executive and Chief Editor of the English Channel, Certificate of CET-6 or higher or relevant experiences abroad are required.) There’s no financial support for volunteers. All the volunteers will employed after the interviews and relevant prove of identity will be given for meetings. Time: 2007-2-18~2007-3-31 Telephone: 13522872255, 13522460315, 13911129300 Format: (pure text in the content of email, to bj87buxie@yahoo.com.cn">obj87buxie@yahoo.com.cn. Title is “volunteer”. Attachment will not be accepted.) Vacancy: Name: Gender: Date of Birth: Education background: English level: Nationality: ID of oldbeijing.net forum (if has): Current job: Current address: Post code: ID number: Tel or mobile: Email: MSN: Work experience: Describe yourself: Your preference of the field of culture: " h7 ^' u! O. m/ _/ J3 X. v; ~
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-1 7:58:23编辑过] |