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The Great Wall

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发表于 2007-2-25 09:06:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Great Wall

The Great Wall, symbolizing Chinese ancient civilization, is the one of the famous, grand and splendid ancient construction wonders in the world. It just like a dragon starting from Yalu8 @( ~" a/ j4 R; a River and crossing the high mountains, deserts and grassland to Pamir Plateau, in the northern part of China.

For many years, the Great Wall, as a military grand defensive project, kept out the invading troops of the northern nomadic tribes. For thousands of years, the Great Wall witnessed the rise and fall of many dynasties and changes on the earth. Now, the Great Wall has become a historical attraction for tourists, and a bridge connecting the friendship between the Chinese people and the foreign people.

The construction of the Great Wall first began in the seventh century BC. At that time, it was also called the Spring and Autumn Period. The first wall that appeared in China was built by kingdom Qi and kingdom Chu. During the Warring States Period, about forth century BC, there were mainly seven kingdoms, known as the kingdom of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin. In order to defend the neighboring states, all the kingdoms built the high wall around their own territories for self-protection.

In Chinese history, the large-scale construction of the Great Wall was concentrated in three dynasties. They are Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties.

At the end of Warring States Period, the king of Qin, Yingzheng, defeated the other six kingdoms and unified China in 221 BC. He was become the first emperor of Qin Dynasty. Then, he decided to link up the separate high walls built by different kingdoms to defend the Huns. The linking work took ten years until the end of Qin Dynasty. The total length of the Qin Great Wall was 5000 kilometers, started from Lintao, in Gansu F9 A. Q/ _5 U8 N+ `) }& t Province in the west and ended Liaodong in Liaoning8 h" f( Q7 W& e, X* R Province in the east.

During the Han Dynasty 206 BC. The Great Wall extended towards the west over 5000 kilometers. It was also in order to defend the Huns. The total length of Han Great Wall was 10000 kilometers, started from Liaodong in the west and ended the foot of Tianshan1 k9 y4 H" o, t& C4 N5 Y P) X Mountain in the east.

The last large-scale project on the Great Wall was in the Ming Dynasty. In 1368, after the Emperor Zhuyuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he started the reconstruction of the Great Wall immediately until the Ming Dynasty was overthrown. The total length of Ming Great Wall was more than 6000 kilometers, started from Yalu: o- D4 R9 y, r' v9 `% I; X @+ ? River in Liaoning 0 _# k3 i0 _; }8 e( Y" O Province in the west and ended the Jiayuguan . M! J w }9 Y3 G Pass in Gansu! h8 }' b' _" \9 z1 U5 x; y- `* P9 | Province in the west.

In early time, probably the fire and smoke were the most efficient ways for communication. So whenever the enemy was sighted, burning the wolves dung to make the fire or smoke to communicate the headquarters. So, many Beacon* d7 Q. X Y$ e7 F {2 z Towers were built along the Ming Great Wall. And also lots of Watchtowers were built along the Great Wall. In the middle of the Watchtowers were small living quarters for defense soldiers. On the upper part, the Shooting Holes were built along the battlements of the defense wall for shooting arrows. So the whole Great Wall formed a complete defensive system.

The Badaling section Great Wall is located in Yanqing # a3 K; C7 y' Z% _1 p/ C County about 75 kilometers to the northwest of Beijing. The name Bada can translate it into English as “convenient transportation to all directions.” The road from Badaling lead to Yanqing& k" p0 ^3 E i9 K" x County, Xuanhua, Datong, Zhangjiakou and Beijing. Hence the name Badaling.

The Badaling; z0 X9 H5 j# P( Y Pass was an outpost of Juyongguan4 {+ F) o' s& Q2 C' K0 x Pass. It used to be more important than Juyongguan0 q. C! N5 u; T/ ^5 P9 q Pass. An old saying can be the best description. “If one man guards the pass, ten thousand troops can’t go through.” The Great Wall at Badaling section averages about 8 meters high and 6 meters wide, enough five horses or ten soldiers walking on the wall at same time.

In early time, the Great Wall was not only a defensive system. It also played a very important role in military, economy and served as linking of the relationship among the nationalities for whole country. Today the Great Wall has lost its military function. It has become a famous attraction in the world. In 1987, the Great Wall was listed as the World Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO.

On the way to Badaling section Great Wall, you can see Juyongguan- F* f, j+ u2 j* V8 c Pass. It was the one of the most famous passes in the Great Wall. On the northwest of Beijing, there are four passes built along the Guangou8 d0 ?7 F+ S) \6 I9 F9 }# l6 r Valley named Nankou, Juyongguan, Shangguan and Badaling. They were the most important in defending the national capital Beijing. Juyongguan was the main pass of them.

Go through the Juyongguan# H9 c( B6 d+ X1 _! Z6 x Pass, we can see a railway on the right side. That is well-known Beijing to Zhangjiakou railway. The railway is very famous in China because it was the first railway designed and constructed by Chinese itself in late Qing Dynasty.

Ok, we will arrived to the Badaling section Great Wall. I will give you 2 hours to go around and take some pictures. See you a moment here.



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