<p>纹饰(该部分也可用于其它文物类的纹饰)</p><p>八宝纹 design of eight Buddhist(or Taoism) sacred emblems</p>
<p>飞龙纹 flying dragon design</p>
<p>海水游龙纹 design of dragon swimming in the water</p>
<p>团龙纹 dragon roundels</p>
<p>夔龙纹 Kui-dragon design; archaic dragon design</p>
<p>麒麟纹 design of Kylin</p>
<p>宝珠纹 fiery ball design</p>
<p>职贡图 design of the Envoy with Tribute Bearers</p>
<p>问渡图 design of asking the ferry at a river bank</p>
<p>洗桐图 design of washing the Chinese parasol tree</p>
<p>锦鸡纹 golden pheasant design</p>
<p>仙鹤纹 crane design</p>
<p>如意云纹 S-shaped cloud design</p>
<p>龙凤寿字纹 design of dragon, phoenix and character longevity</p>
<p>五伦纹 design of five birds symbolizing five human relations</p>
<p>雷纹 thunder and lightning design</p>
<p>暗八仙纹 the Eight Immortals emblems</p>
<p>百子图 a hundred children design</p>
<p> </p>
<p>元杨茂剔红花卉尊 Carved red lacquer vase with floral design, made by Yang Mao, Yuan Dynasty</p>
<p>明剔黑开光花鸟纹梅瓶 Prunus vase of carved black lacquer with flower and bird pattern within reserved panels, Ming Dynasty</p>
<p>清红漆描金龙凤纹手炉 Hand warmer of red lacquer with dragon and phoenix design in gold tracery, Qing Dynasty</p>
<p> </p> Thinking about how to work with these vocabulary, I am in the middle of nowhwere. You had better acquiring more fundamental knowledge of antique, including bronze, ceramics and so on. Those shapes can be used everywhere. 给您推荐一些书 国家文物局出的中国文物系列 《中国陶瓷》 《中国青铜器》等等 都是教材类的 I am not dealing with any antique product, everything is brand-new from Beijing prepared to go to the US for int'l Shows.