弘德皇帝 发表于 2010-8-22 09:57:00


<p>发晶 hair crystal</p>
<p>茶晶 tea crystal</p>
<p>珊瑚 coral</p>
<p>湖泊 amber</p>
<p>珍珠 pearl</p>
<p>青金石 lazurite</p>
<p>孔雀石 malachite</p>
<p>芙蓉石 rose quartz</p>
<p>寿山石 Shoushan stone</p>
<p>田黄石 Tianhuang stone</p>
<p>猫眼石 cat's-eye stone</p>
<p>木变石 pertified stone</p>
<p>璧 Bi, a flat disk having a circular concentric orifice in the center</p>
<p>琮 Cong, a hollow tube of cylindrical section enclosedby a rectangular body</p>
<p>珪 Gui, an enlongated tablet or flat sceptre</p>
<p>璋 Zhang,&nbsp;a tablet in the form of half of a pointed Gui</p>
<p>璜 Huang, a tablet in the form of half a Bi</p>

靳京 发表于 2010-9-21 12:45:00

Finally I remember some of the terminologies of this special area. Thanks for the infomation which might be&nbsp;meeting great future challenges.

弘德皇帝 发表于 2010-9-24 20:10:00

it's my pleasure
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